

President Xi Jinping attends the meeting to commend role models in China’s fight against COVID-19 with recipient of the Medal of the Republic Zhong Nanshan (second from right) and recipients of the national honorary title “People’s Hero”, Zhang Boli (second from left), Zhang Dingyu (right) and Chen Wei (left), at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Tuesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

>China honors people fighting COVID-19


China held a meeting on Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to commend role models in the country’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.


Prior to the meeting, Chinese leaders led by President Xi Jinping met with role models in the fight and took a group photo with them.


After the meeting began, participants observed a moment of silence for every life lost due to COVID-19.


Then, President Xi presented medals to recipients of the Medal of the Republic and the national honorary title for their outstanding contributions to the country’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.


The Medal of the Republic was conferred on renowned respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan. The national honorary title, “the People’s Hero,” was conferred on Zhang Boli, a traditional Chinese medicine expert who presided over research into the COVID-19 treatment plan combining traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, Zhang Dingyu, head of Wuhan’s designated coronavirus-treating Jinyintan Hospital, and Chen Wei, a military medical scientist who made major achievements in COVID-19-related basic research and development of a vaccine and protective medicine.



A mobile phone user shows a room for rent with his smartphone in Shanghai. [Photo/China Daily]

>Graduates rent apartments online


About 96.8 percent of college graduates chose to rent apartments online this year, according to a recent survey by China Youth Daily.


Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, it has become difficult to view an apartment on site before signing the lease.


Many real estate agencies have adopted virtual apartment viewing, enabling potential tenants to see the apartments online through pictures (77 percent), VR (60.9 percent) and videos (54.6 percent).


Among the 1,974 college graduates surveyed, only 48.4 percent have tried on-site apartment viewing.


The survey showed that 74.2 percent of graduates are content with their experience in renting a house online.


More than 80 percent of the respondents hoped contracts to rent an apartment online could be standardized to protect the rights and interests of tenants, while 72.1 percent suggested strengthening supervision.


Among the surveyed, nearly 85 percent are from first- and second-tier cities and 14.5 percent are from third- and fourth-tier cities.



Britain’s Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex visit Canada House in London, Britain, Jan 7, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Prince repays taxpayer money


Prince Harry has repaid 2.4 million pounds in British taxpayers’ money that was used to renovate the home in Windsor intended for him and his wife Meghan before they gave up royal duties and moved to California, using cash from his recent Netflix deal.


A spokesman for the couple said Monday that Harry had made a contribution to the Sovereign Grant, the public money that goes to the royal family. He said the contribution “fully covered the necessary renovation costs of Frogmore Cottage”.


He said Frogmore Cottage will remain the home of Harry and Meghan when they visit the UK.


Royal accounts for 2019 show that 2.4 million pounds was spent renovating the house, including structural work, rewiring and new flooring.


Harry and Meghan agreed to pay back the money and start paying rent as part of the plans drawn up when they quit as senior working royals in March.


They recently bought a house in Santa Barbara, California and last week announced a multi-million pound deal with Netflix to produce a range of films and series for the streaming service.



Medical workers take care of patients suffering from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital in New Delhi, India, September 5, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>India’s virus count surges


India on Monday overtook Brazil as the country with the second-highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases.


Its elevation to behind only the US in the infections count came as metro train lines reopened in cities in a bid to boost the South Asian nation’s battered economy.


With its nationwide tally of 4.2 million, India is adding more cases each day than any other country this year since the outbreak of the pandemic.


On Monday, 90,802 cases were recorded in the country, along with 1,016 deaths.


Despite logging over 2 million new cases in the past month and the virus spreading through the country’s smaller towns and villages, the Indian government has continued relaxing restrictions to try to resuscitate the economy.


Gross domestic product in India has shrunk faster than in any other major nation, plunging nearly 24 percent in the last quarter.


On Monday, the Delhi Metro – a rapid transit system that serves India’s sprawling capital, New Delhi, and adjoining areas – resumed operations after five months of shutdown.


Authorities imposed strict rules on passengers, with masks, social distancing and temperature checks mandatory.


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上一篇 2022年 12月 14日 下午6:48
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